
Travel the country as a digital nomad and seasonal worker

With the help of online resources, a growing remote work culture, and more, it’s now more possible than ever to travel while working and becoming a digital nomad. Studies have shown that it is actually better for productivity when employees are able to relax and enjoy their lives outside of the office, rather than worrying about work constantly. Having enough time to recharge, as well as prioritizing life outside of work is actually a positive. No longer believed as short-sighted thinking.

Digital Nomad

Travel the country as a digital nomad & seasonal worker

Available work for travelers comes in two forms:

  • seasonal work
  • remote work

The former involves working only certain parts of the year. Work usually sought out by construction workers and teachers. The latter involves working out of the office or from home. Perfect for any traveler with the right motivation and tools at their disposal.

Constant travel and working on the road does bring struggles, however. If you’re not keeping track of things like your health while on the road; your finances; and, basic necessities you need for life and your job, it can be bad news. It’s vital you understand what works best for you — seasonal or remote work — and how to best leverage these opportunities.

Seasonal Occupations

You probably know quite a few people who have dabbled in seasonal occupations. Sometimes these jobs are dependent on the climate you live in and weather changes through the year. Other times they depend on holidays and other cultural factors. However, you may not know exactly how many options you have in this day and age.

The Balance Careers published an article about this very thing, giving some great insight into possible seasonal work you could seek out. They included retail, delivery, and jobs done outdoors (ski area workers, nature guides, and the like) in their list, but they also touched upon the idea of temporary work.

Temporary agencies often seek additional staff during the holiday season. Temping is one of the fastest growing employment sectors in the country, and the range of available positions has increased significantly. One of the big pluses of temp work is that you can typically do it on your own schedule.

Choosing what to do depends on where you’re stationed, and where your planning on going. Seasonal work will require a lot of saving on your end so you’re able to spend later. But if you’re disciplined enough, only working through part of your year could be a great option for you.

The Option of Remote Work

Remote work is one of the newest trends in common business. The likelihood of you being able to find a job that allows you to work remotely is constantly increasing, and it’s becoming more and more of a realistic option for those in the workforce. This is due to an increasing focus in society on achieving a good work/life balance.

Now, this will require a little more than just having a laptop. The key to being able to pull off a remote job is having a place where your work can thrive, as well as a way to communicate with supervisors. However, some people find this in places other than their homes. Libraries offer quiet environments; trendy coffee shops and restaurants often have couches to lounge in and outlets to plug into; and practically every cafe is now an internet cafe. Your options are limitless — it’s just about what works best for you.

However, some people still do better work from the place they live. This is completely doable, but it may require accessories that will keep you focused and healthy so you can get your job done efficiently. For instance, it is helpful to own a mattress topper designed for the kind of sleeper you are so you can get good rest before tackling your daily activities. Another helpful accessory is a foldable desk that can fit inside of your vehicle so you’re not always uncomfortably putting your laptop in your actual lap while working.

Knowing Where to Get Nomadic Resources

If you get set up with seasonal or remote work and choose to stay on the road, you have quite a few options for non-work related communities and resources at your fingertips as well. One of the first resources you should seek out are tips for driving in unfamiliar places. Not only will this help you prevent yourself from getting lost, it may help you avoid dangerous areas or suspicious individuals. The nomadic lifestyle comes with many exciting new opportunities, but it also comes with a boatload of risks. It pays to be prepared.

Aside from safety concerns, many other resources come in the form of travel networks, which are socially connected nomadic or traveler communities. These include nomadic dating sites, couch surfing networks, and sites and apps geared toward local exploration with others in your area. Travel networks are great for a digital worker considering how, in adulthood, most people make friends through work. But if you are not working an office job, this can bring you a community of friends through your common interest of traveling and adventure. At the very least, they can get you a place to sleep so you’re not in your car for another night or paying hundreds of dollars for a hotel every week

The way you spend your time while living nomadically will be determined by your goals and interests. For this reason, it’s good to do a little bit of research before you get to a place. Resources like the November Sunflower Travel Adventures help you know what’s going on in areas you want to go to. This way you can divide your time up wisely once you get there, rather than wasting time on something you could have already guessed you wouldn’t like.

Final Words

When faced with the option of working seasonally or remotely, there are a lot of things to consider, both good and bad. Maybe you can even pull off a combination of the two — but in the end, it all depends on the resources you have available, your personal work habits, and an ability to provide for yourself. If you can manage all of it you could fulfill your travel dreams while not worrying about the stresses of a 9-to-5 job. It’s something the digital age has afforded us, so use it to your advantage!

Have you lived as a digital nomad? Do you have seasonal work and travel experience? What has your experience been? Let us know in the comments below!

Author Bio: Brooke Faulkner is a writer and mom in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. You can check out more of her writing on twitter, @faulknercreek

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